Aah, the naked donut. So many possibilities. You can eat these just as they are, put your favorite topping on, or dunk in your favorite hot beverage. I love to dunk these lovelies in my hot coffee. The donut has to be just hard enough to absorb the liquid, but not fall
apart in your coffee. Griff's Bakery & Donut Shop in the Hickman shopping center on Rt1 in Bethany Beach(302-539-8879) gets these just right! Griff's not only makes donuts, but you can find all types of baked goods from danish and bear claws to apple turnovers. Not a bad choice in the place.

Cindy Lou had never been a
dunker before, but it is hard to say no to these "brown
bettys". These donuts drink up just the right amount of coffee.

Stop by Griff's in Bethany Beach for friendly service and great donuts. They don't even mind if you double dip!
Eat Happy!
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