Hockers/G&E Grocery is around the corner from my work. There are two locations, one on Rt26 in Clarksville, DE, and the original G&E at 30244 Cedar Neck Rd in Oceanview, DE(302-539-9662). Both locations sell gas and have Hardware stores right next to the Grocery. Now that is full service! The above donut is from the Cedar Neck Rd location where they make fresh donuts everyday! The yeast raised donuts are always fresh and this powdered sugared beauty has extra strawberry jelly inside. My beard got even whiter as I ate this donut, with a little bit of strawberry mixed in too! When you eat this donut, you will be wiping your chin!

The Hockers are Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Elizabeth. Their daughter is the country music singer, Beth Cayhall. You can check her out at
http://www.bethcayhall.com/. A couple of the songs on Beth's latest CD were written by our own OC singer/songwriter "Butter" of the "Trailer Choir." You can "Rock the Beer Gut" at
Hey Butter, Can you do a version for me called, "Rocking the Donut Gut?"
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